Real Estate Careers at Fickling & Company

You'll find exciting opportunities available at Fickling & Company!

Whether you are an experienced sales associate or considering a new career in real estate, Fickling & Company - with offices based throughout Middle Georgia and in St. George Island, Florida - offers numerous advantages:

  1. Over 70 years of experience in the real estate industry
  2. A well-recognized and respected name in the marketplace
  3. Convenient office locations
  4. Excellent training
  5. A competitive commission schedule


Enroll in our 75-hour real estate pre-license course today!

Starting a Real Estate Career in Georgia

People who perform the duties of a real estate broker or are paid a fee for listing, selling, leasing or managing real property must be licensed in Georgia. Licenses are not required for persons employed by brokers, builders, landlords, leasing services, etc. who perform only administrative duties. Licenses are also required for those who appraise real property, sell time-shares or manage community associations for a real estate broker. The information below applies to the real estate salesperson or broker license.


Questions and Answers

Q. How do I obtain a Georgia real estate license?

Salespersons complete a 75-hour pre-license course.

Pass the state exam.

Brokers complete the 60-hour pre license course

Must be licensed for at least 3 years

Pass the state exam.


Q. Where are required courses offered?

Macon State College, Middle Georgia Association of Realtors, other on-line resources available upon request

Fickling & Company offers some in-house continuing education classes


Q. How do I begin a real estate career?

Complete a pre-license course.

Interview with brokers
(If your broker signs your State exam application, you will be issued and active license at the exam center. If you have not affiliated with a broker, your license will be "stored" with the Georgia Real Estate Commission until you activate it with a broker)

Pass the State exam.
(If a broker has signed your form, you are licensed upon passing).

Affiliate with a licensed broker.


Q. What does Georgia require after I am licensed?

After the first year, 36 hours of continuing education per 4 year renewal period is required.


Q. What is necessary for a successful real estate career in Georgia?


Commitment to a full time career

Expert services for buyers and sellers

Continuous training and career development

Selecting a reputable, supportive brokerage firm

A full time, experienced, well respected managing broker, available daily for support


Q. How can I get more information about a real estate career in Georgia?

For career advisement or information on a career with Fickling & Company, contact one of the managing Brokers below:


Chad Bevill

Sr. Vice President,
Macon Residential Sales,
Commercial Sales and Leasing

Cindy Loyd

Managing Associate Broker
Macon Office, Licensed Instructor

careers in real estate